Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Justine @ 7:06 AM

theway.TRUTH.andlife - 7:06 AM

wahhhhhhhhhh @ 6:48 AM

theway.TRUTH.andlife - 6:48 AM

le femme

Hey!! I'm doing IT stuff this term and we focus on web 2.0 so we have to join various web 2.0 accounts and that's why I start to join it here...
name: CNSR154328
age: 14 ..... (born on 10th March 1993)
school: SGJ............. I live in Banten,Indonesia lol


welcome to ma' blog..
here are the RULES and REGULATIONS:
001. Don't you ever DARE to hack my account or ELSE!!!!!
002. Never uses offensive comments in my blog even if it's not me on the target.
003. You shouldn't believe all the things I put on my blog because some of them are fake
004. Don't copy any of my works without my permission
005. have fun!! :)


# loves candy so much....
# loves movies and stories
# loves riding bicycle and roller blading
# loves my life sometimes :)
# loves people who loves me (uhuk2... lol) I love my parents so much, my friends and especially my best friends who can change my life and take me to another world


! hate science!!...Don't be surprised if you found out that I'm really terrible at science!! everytime I learn this subject, it feels like I'm in the illusion world learning alien languages
! hate injustice
! hate being hate (???)
! hate being sick... I really hate being sick... I don't like having weird stuff inside my body
! hate useless stuff that we have to do... (I cannot elaborate this anymore)


% I could fly
% I could really live in my daydream and hope that my daydreams can be real
% to be success
% new house!!!!
% new handphones!!

I want to have a holiday right away!! I cannot wait to have my holiday!! I wish I could have holiday right after the UAN but unfortunately, it's time for the UAS!! I'll go to Norway this June and I'll meet my cousin, auntie and uncle there in tromso.... It will be summer there but still cold. It's winter all year!! I have to wear thick clothes and such. When you take a bath there, the water is very very clean and cold! It removes all the bacteria from the body and make your body crystal clean... On winter, it has the famous northern lights but night time is longer than daytime and it's usually have rain more. So, Yeah,, it's like that... I'll be elaborate some more after this!!


{ May 2007{ October 2007{ October 2009


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